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Ages 13 or above

Body & Biomechanics Overnight Package

  • 90 minute biomechanics session with Oli Morton
  • 90 minute session with Active X Clinics Director, Gavin Routledge
  • Overnight stay in a Pavilion Suite for two
  • Complimentary in-room drinks
  • Breakfast the following morning
Body & Biomechanics Overnight Package

We’re delighted to announce a new collaboration at Archerfield with the Director of Active X Clinics, Gavin Routledge – author, certified health coach and well-known Edinburgh-based osteopath – and Golf Performance Centre Pro, Oliver C Morton.

Join us for a double experience on the estate: firstly you’ll be in the super-capable hands of Gavin Routledge who will determine the root causes of any pain you have by assessing your mobility, balance and lifestyle. Gavin specialises in lower back pain and sciatica but can also review and treat all kinds of joint and muscular problems.

Next, a detailed 3D motion capture analysis of your golf swing by Oliver C Morton will follow, using state-of the-art GEARS biomechanics technology. For any issues identified during the process, an individual plan of drills and exercises will be devised to help you improve your game and alleviate those aches and pains.


This special opportunity is only available on Mondays and Tuesdays until 30th April 2025.


The Archerfield Body & Biomechanics Package includes:

• 90 minute biomechanics session with Oli Morton

• 90 minute session with Active X Clinics Director, Gavin Routledge

• One night for two people in a luxury Pavilion Suite

• Full breakfast menu for two at the Clubhouse Restaurant


Package cost:

£655 for one person*

(Includes both 90 min sessions for one person and overnight stay and breakfast for two)


£950 for two people*

(Includes both 90 min sessions for two people and an overnight stay with breakfast for two)


*Available until April 2025; check-in is available Mondays and Tuesdays only. Allocation is non-redeemable, and non-transferrable. Room upgrade applies for large Pavilion Suite, date exclusions apply. By booking the experience, you acknowledge that the experience is delivered by third party suppliers and agree for your details to be shared with said third party suppliers in order to fulfill your experience. Both packages include an overnight stay in a pavilion suite and breakfast for two.